Sometimes, Real Change Comes From The Outside

The producer of the Beatles was a classical music engineer with no pop experience

The guy who reinvented the music business was a computer guy not the record business

The builder of the worlds largest retailer, didn’t come from retailing

The guy who reinvented automobiles came from PayPal not the auto business

The guy who invented cable news had no was a station owner with no news experience

…a few examples. The caveat being that any outsider trying to revolutionize a business will quite possibly get pulverized by the industry. So it’s not for the meek, arrogant or thin skinned

Based on the state of affairs, U. S. Politics would use this level Of change/reinvention
Good luck with that

More realistically, any traditional industry with exception of the new generation giants, can deliver paradigm shifting change that evolves and reconnects to the mainstream. But don’t necessarily expect it from inside the building.

We’re in the age of new thinking evolving from dreaming….to doing And it can come from unusual places

LeadershipLee Abrams