Saving the World…or at least trying

As we reflect on the current state of our nation and the world, it is evident that there is a need for significant change and healing. The challenges we face today require us to think differently and embrace new ideas that will resonate with the evolving mainstream.

The traditional institutions and media that have governed our society for decades must adapt to the realities of the present. We need independent thinkers who can create innovative solutions and connect with the new mainstream. While some ideas may be met with resistance from the traditionalists, there are opportunities to bring about positive change that aligns with the spirit of our times.

We must acknowledge that we can never return to the past, but we have the power to shape a future that is more interesting and optimistic. This is the era of big ideas, ranging from world-changing innovations like Amazon and Tesla to smaller-scale transformations that disrupt industries of all sizes.  The Las Vegas Sphere is a good example.   

It is crucial to recognize that we are currently operating in a period of massive change. While adhering to familiar strategies may be acceptable, it is essential to embrace new ways of thinking and challenge the status quo. The term "new mainstream" signifies a departure from outdated norms and an alignment with the aspirations of the current generations.

Certain sectors, such as aerospace, technology, and distribution, have already embraced this mindset. However, in many other areas, including news and media, there is a reluctance to let go of the old ways. This unwillingness to evolve has resulted in the spread of misinformation, mindless conspiracy theories, and a lack of diverse perspectives.

To address these challenges, we must adopt new approaches to information dissemination and presentation that resonate with the new mainstream. We need to prioritize fresh thinking, creative storytelling, and a fearless exploration of reality—the good, the bad, and the ugly. By marrying extreme journalism with extreme creativity, we can captivate audiences and foster a deeper understanding of our complex world.

While it is true that the barriers of tradition are formidable, we must remember that the possibilities for positive change are endless. As we look ahead to 2024, let us commit ourselves to bending culture into the shape of now. Let us be the catalysts for a future that is defined by innovation, imagination, and progress…and intelligent fearlessness 

It may not save the world but it’s a start.  

Lee Abrams