TikTok News?


Terrestrial Radio didn’t update its playbook and  is out of sync with 2023. 

Newspapers didn’t update their playbook and  are  out of sync with 2023.

Now for  video news — there’s a legitimate reality that traditional news will fade due  to stagnant evolution,  aging out,  or again, failure to update its playbook.  It’s already happening.  

Much of the change is technology based,  but much of it is operating on a dated playbook at a time of exponential change, regardless of platform. 

Intensifying matters are  a new generation of sites where truth and reality are blurred by user generated “information.”  

Time to step up and dramatically evolve if not revolutionize the presentation as…

A recent Pew study showing TikTok as a significant source of news for those under 30.  While skewing  young and younger,  it’s possible that TikTok fans will grow into  this platform as a news source as they evolve into older demos.  Maybe not.  But the point is that this hive of mis-information lowers the National IQ at a time where intellect and reality,  presented in new and stimulating ways can thwart mis information on TikTok and whatever new  information platforms emerge delivering unfiltered misguided content.  

It’s the reality of the 21st century but it doesn’t have to be.  Social Media “news” is the default for credible video news because the presentation of news is so out of sync with the new mainstreams. 

Faked Moon Landings, Chemtrails and simple misinformation run rampant on TikTok. Uncontested nonsense.  Voices are needed to make sense of this false intelligence but…

News presented in the tired old format isn’t going to help. I’m amazed to see “younger skewing” TV style news programming so tied to the hip with the old way. Younger faces, new sets and “hipper” presentations ain’t working. It’s more of the same,  opening the doors to use of questionable sources.  

Hope is not lost,  but it’ll take aggressive change to build a future of informed generations.  It’s doable.  

Here’s a summary of the report:

More Americans are getting news on TikTok, bucking the trend on other social media sites



A small but growing share of U.S. adults say they regularly get news on TikTok. This is in contrast with many other social media sites, where news consumption has either declined or stayed about the same in recent years. In just two years, the share of U.S. adults who say they regularly get news from TikTok has roughly tripled, from 3% in 2020 to 10% in 2022.

The video-sharing platform has reported high earnings the past year and has become especially popular among teens – two-thirds of whom report using it in some way – as well as young adults.

How we did this


Adults under 30 are the most likely group to say they regularly get news on TikTok. About a quarter of Americans in this age group (26%) say they regularly get news there, higher than in 2021 and 2020. This compares with 10% of those ages 30 to 49, 4% of those 50 to 64 and just 1% of those 65 and older.


More of TikTok’s U.S. adult users are getting news there as well. Currently, a third of TikTok users say they regularly get news on the site, up from 22% who said the same in 2020. Still, TikTok users remain far less likely than users of Twitter or Facebook to get news on the site.

TV Video News, NewsLee Abrams