Leadership For Creating Amazing Programming


In today's new world, many programming oriented  companies are stuck in a state of cultural and product stagnation. However, there are certain characteristics that can be seen in the 21st Century game changers - those companies and individuals that are all about the future. These characteristics create a culture and attitude that allow for re-sizing, re-thinking, and re-inventing. 

One crucial characteristic is freedom from politics. While this may be difficult to achieve on a large scale in a big company, leaders of these game changers are surprisingly short on infighting, fear, and political nonsense.

Another important characteristic is youthful thinking. This does not necessarily mean being young in age, but rather having a mindset that is in sync with 2023,  understand history and are open to new ideas and willing to challenge the status quo. Steve Jobs, for example, was able to out-think old school veterans and reinvent music distribution, despite not being a young person himself. 

Hunger is also a key characteristic. Many big companies lack the hunger and drive to innovate because they are comfortable with their history and security. The game changers, on the other hand, are constantly pushing forward and seeking new opportunities and higher standards.  

One important attitude is the willingness to ignore what others think. If you believe you are doing the right thing, it does not matter if outsiders or competitors are appalled. In today's society, where criticism is rampant, having thick skin is necessary to stay true to your beliefs. 

Mental diversity is another characteristic that sets these game changers apart. They encourage different kinds of people with different backgrounds  to come together and contribute.

Spirituality is also important, not in a traditional religious sense, but in the idea that this work is a higher calling. Remember the Blues Brothers?   These game changers are on a mission and see their work as more than just a job. 

The ability to execute dreams, or AFDI, is crucial. Dreaming is easy, but actually taking action and making those dreams come true is the hard part. Many media companies hope for a new digital solution or an economic upturn to save them, when the real answers lie in their culture and the 2023 relevancy. Getting behind the culture curve is easy for well established programming.

Breaking the rules is another characteristic that sets these game changers apart. This does not mean anarchy, but rather challenging the rulebook. To break the rules, you must first understand them, and know that some rules are timeless while others are not. 

Creating fans, rather than just users, is important for these game changers. Companies like Apple, MTV, and Southwest Airlines have fans who are loyal and passionate about their products. This creates a whole new dimension of retention and viral like loyalty. 

Engaging all the senses is crucial in today's environment. These game changers understand the importance of stimulating people on multiple levels, not just visually or intellectually.  Eye. Ear. Brain.

Visionary leadership is also key. The person leading the company must have a clear vision that creates an environment for brilliance. A blueprint.  A design that stimulates staff to do the best work of their lives. 

The best companies deliver a complete package, from customer service to every element of the product. They do not just tweak things, but act with completeness to ensure that every aspect is aligned with their culture. 

Meetings in these game changers are simple, fast, and actionable. They do not waste time with all-day meetings that go nowhere. Many media companies struggle with this, making forward motion a painful and tiring experience. 

Passion is self-explanatory, but it must be channeled in a single direction. Being passionate about the past is fine, but it is more important to be passionate about the present and the future, and the plan that will get you there. 

Average is not acceptable for these game changers. They push everything beyond average and strive for excellence in all aspects of their work.   This is a major competitive advantage as American media can lean toward repetition, vanilla…and average. 

Radical thinking is okay for these companies. They do not have boundaries and are open to radical ideas that can lead to innovation. No one gets penalized for crazy ideas

Mobility and urgency are important characteristics. When a good idea arises, it is executed quickly and efficiently. There is no time to drag things out.   Operate at the speed of now

Smart people have good instincts and trust them. They are not reckless, but they have confidence in their own instincts and those of their team. 

Fearlessness is another characteristic that sets these game changers apart. If we were as fearless in everything we did as we see in the approach to investigative journalism, we would accelerate growth in todays new mainstream.  

Uptight companies are not conducive to creating amazing products. These game changers understand the importance of being loose and focused on their missions. 

Truth is highly valued in these companies. They do not rely on typical marketing slogans, but instead prioritize excellence and truth. Letting the programming breathe freely

During times of crisis, the leadership of these game changers leads from within, rather than from the top. They are actively involved in finding solutions and navigating through difficult situations. 

Challenging tradition and executing on grounded dreams is in the DNA of these game changers

LeadershipLee Abrams