Is Information The New Rock n’ Roll?

There are a lot of great artists and interesting new sounds out there,  but I think 1956-1995 was a historically relevant era.  Not unlike the romantic era,  renaissance era or jazz age. A period which will be remembered for centuries. Unfortunately that era is behind us and we’re in the dark space between important musical eras.  I’d guess that based on history there’ll be another major movement but possibly not in our lifetimes.  The great thing is we lived and worked through that magical period and there are tens of thousands of songs we can listen to and enjoy from those years.  The music has such originality,  such imagination, such durability and such magic! 

But we’re in a bit of a lull in terms of music bending culture as it has in previous eras ( some detail on that here: )

In many ways, Information has taken the place of music as the culture driver.  Opening up incredible opportunities to present information in new and 21st century ways

Love, love music but…

Now it’s informations turn to bend culture. 

MusicLee Abrams