Are News Anchors Necessary?

A key component to 360 degree news reimagination  is removing the anchor factor as the focal point. The star is the story not the faces presenting it. This opens up a world of possibilities in delivering factual and multi-dimensional information rather than being tied to the “back to you Bob” tired cliches of anchor driven information.  

The personality of NewsMovie is in the programming not the faces.  The story.

There are faces but they are the faces of the world.  There’s a flow uninterrupted by tired anchor speak and tv news cliches. Rather, a guided tour of current affairs,  compelling information and facts through extreme creative.  

There is a human factor of course but it’s not readers with good faces and futuristic furniture.  That does work of course,  but NewsMovie is a step forward not back.  There are different definitions of personality beyond news readers and desks

"Once we rid ourselves of traditional thinking we can get on with creating the future." —

…I wrote this piece about CNN+ the day it was announced:

It’s a bold venture with the right idea but at the end it’s really an ad free digital CNN with a few interactive tricks.  Theres nothing that new about it. Same faces…same style….same thing with a new coat of paint.  I think they’ll have trouble reaching a critical mass of subs simply because I don’t think ad free is enough of a hook to drive people away from their current offerings. I predict failure simply because it’s more of the same. 

News and information has never been more critical to global cultural survival. We just have to make it new, in sync with the era, exciting and liberated from the chains of tradition which are not conducive to the modern mainstream.